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Re: Hondaspree IP ban vote

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:37 am
by benji

Re: Hondaspree IP ban vote

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:37 am
by noiseguy

I've unlocked this topic so we can continue to discuss this. As most know, I'm no longer heavily active in the board, but I do pay to keep it up, running, and moderated. I care deeply about it's existence and continued operation. If I didn't I'd have shut it down years ago.

That said, let's discuss technology to keep folks banned from the board. I can tell you from personal experience that IP bans only go so far to keep folks out and must be constantly maintained. Mousewheels, while he was here, took this on and in doing do massively reduced the amount of China/Russia spam, as well as blocking out Trains420's accounts. We have, by the way, banned the entirety of the town he lives in, to the point that the couple of folks that live there that try to get accounts here have to email me to get accounts. The bottom line is that there are ways around IP bans, and Trains420 has given me an excellent education on how to avoid these sorts of things.

So, for my part, I'm falling back to what has always worked. As of today, all 3 of the moderators have full banning privileges, which deletes account, posts, and PMs user accounts, and my permission to use them on Trains420 new accounts. I'm sure he's set up several, so we'll be playing wack a mole for awhile eliminating him from the board.

As for free speech: I'm all for it. That said, this is not an anonymous image board, it is curated content, and I'm not about to allow the level of debate to sink to that level. Trains420 is, of course, a special case of this sort. He doesn't get to speak here and isn't welcome. His content doesn't deserve curation, and when I or my folks ID him, he's gone.

G9, as for your decision to stay or leave the board, that's completely up to you, of course. I'm going to remind you, as I have others, that when you leave a place b/c of trolls, you let trolls win. I don't believe in letting trolls win; I prefer to grind them into the ground instead. I'd appreciate your help, of course, in developing ideas around how that can best be done.

Thoughts welcome, as always. Best, NG

Re: Hondaspree IP ban vote

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:19 pm
by TinyElvis
Most excellent!

Re: Hondaspree IP ban vote

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:13 pm
by ped
Hi forum. Is it safe in here? :lol:

Re: Hondaspree IP ban vote

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:43 pm
by patthesoundguy
ped wrote:Hi forum. Is it safe in here? :lol:
Yup got her back bro! We mods have banning power now so that chucklehead won't be an issue. It was quite a ride while he was lurking about lol ;-)

Re: Hondaspree IP ban vote

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:07 pm
by Just Joel

Re: Hondaspree IP ban vote

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:48 am
by Wheelman-111

Very nicely stated, Noisy. I'm not able to log in all the time, but I do look around for new names and Report Exclamation points whenever I do. Between Noisy, Mikey and PTSG and me, we can patrol the board pretty well, but occasionally abusive posts will make it on and stay until one of us punches the Poof button. Lately I've come to rather enjoy it more than I really should. Some computer-users have a way of getting under one's skin, ya know?

Re: Hondaspree IP ban vote

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:08 pm
by patthesoundguy
Wheelman-111 wrote:Greetings:

Very nicely stated, Noisy. I'm not able to log in all the time, but I do look around for new names and Report Exclamation points whenever I do. Between Noisy, Mikey and PTSG and me, we can patrol the board pretty well, but occasionally abusive posts will make it on and stay until one of us punches the Poof button. Lately I've come to rather enjoy it more than I really should. Some computer-users have a way of getting under one's skin, ya know?
I had a little fun with the guy... I killed him with kindness. When he would pm and swear and slander I told him I loved him and sent hugs. All people like that want is a fuss, I didn't give that :-). If anyone thinks they have that horrible troll pestering them here or see something abusive or the like, feel free to pm me. I'm so attached to my phone it will likely be only a few minutes at most until I can respond. Unless I'm driving or on a plane somewhere ;-)