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sold my 87

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:43 pm
by evilone
Well...i rode my 87 all last summer with no problems. I rebuilt motor over winter (new crank bearings, new oil seals, new gaskets, new oko high speed variator, etc). Last Tuesday when it hit the high 60's i rode it 27 miles again with no problems. I decided to sell and get back down to 2 scooters, so i sold it yesterday for a measly $300 and i get a call today that it started bogging down and eventually died and now won't start. I'm thinking after riding it 5 miles home in cooler weather might have fried rings or bore from running lean. I offered to fix any problem like reed petal or carb problem but not a seize since i told him to wait for warmer weather before riding. I pick it up tomorrow to diagnose...just my luck :? I'm trying to decide how nice i want to be about situation, i feel bad, but after a 27 mile ride it should be good??? Oh well, just wanted to vent a little :evil:

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:46 pm
by chevyguyjay
ill vent a little for ya to ganna go out to the garage a do a nice big burn out for ya lol. :lol: 8) :twisted:

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:48 pm
by burnt_toast
that sucks man, had similar issue back when I had my Vento Triton, have since resold that scooter twice

if you offer to do the repair work, charge a lot! then offer to buy back for a fraction, say 100 bucks then fix and resell for more than measly 300 I agree that is pretty low price, could go for 500-600 if you find willing buyer

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:55 pm
by nysnowborder
what do people not get that these things are touchy?
pshhhhhhh there are a bunch of tards out there :D

id do what toast is saying then you get to ride it a few more times. haha

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:02 pm
by devenex
That sucks. I once had this old beat up VW diesel Rabbit that I sold on craigslist. I told the guy everything wrong with it (spent almost 2hrs showing the car), but he still wants it and makes an offer and I agree.

The next two weeks he called almost every other day as he knew NOTHING about fixing cars. Finally he takes it to a mechanic after this aftermarket temp gauge that a PO installed stops working and the mechanic threw the book at it saying over $2k in repairs (at least half was labor). All for things I showed him!

After that he asked if I still had the money, which I didn't. Total nightmare sale because it didn't end there LOL. He ends up selling the car for a loss, then emails me trying to guilt me into covering the loss.

Anyway, if the guy blew the motor up after you warned him, thats tough biscuits for him. If its something else, I don't see anything wrong w/ helping him, as long as he's a cool guy and not a total d-bag.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:52 pm
by evilone
He wanted me to buy it back but I ordered parts from vtcycles and don't have the $ now. I think i'll take a compression tester over to his house and check that. If he fried cylinder/piston it's all on him. If not i might help him out, he does seem pretty cool. The only thing that irritated me was his response "well i ride my razz in cold weather and never had any problems" :roll:. Oh, and he tried talking me down to $275. I'm sure his razz is stock while the 87 i sold him has been modded (which is why i told him to wait for warmer weather to ride). You go Chevyguyjay! I'll take a burnout :lol:. did you ride it down the road yet to check that torque?! :D. I kinda wish i still had it to ride with the wife when the temps hit above 60 later this week. I'm waiting on parts from vt and local honda dealer.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:04 pm
by devenex
Sounds pretty much like he bought it and definitely didn't know what he was doing (despite you telling him), and as a result probably broke it.

Just gotta say it totally sucks when someone buys something w/o knowing what they're getting into, then tries to pass the buck when they F-up.

I can only imagine how that phone conversation went, "hi, this is the guy who bought that elite from you"..."well its funny you ask because I was riding it around an"..."well I know you said to wait until it was warmer, but I ride my Razz in the cold all the time"..."well I didn't ride my Razz because it doesn't go over 30, and I really wanted to tear asphalt, err I mean it had a flat. Besides it wasn't even cold today, I'm not sure I like this 'deal' we made, so you should buy it back"..."I KNOW it SEEMS like this totally screws you, as it would be the same as me showing up to your house and taking a sledge to the cylinder and leaving, but this is different because I want my money back!" *click*

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:25 am
by evilone
:lol: That's about how it went! I told him over the phone that i told him not to ride in the cold and it sounded like it might have screwed up the rings or cylinder. He said he was upset because he hasn't even ridden it 20 miles yet. :? :roll:

USED. What Part Don't You Get?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:42 am
by Wheelman-111

He bought a used running scooter at a ridiculously low price. I paid $400 for one with a half-inch of amber in the tank.

You evidently didn't hide anything from the buyer. I'm not sure running in the cold had anything to do with it - at least mine runs the same regardless of temperature down to high 20s. If you let it warm up before demanding WOT, there shouldn't be any issues at all. I'd bet the reed valves went bad or a simple case of fuel system spooge - what else is there on a fresh rebuild?

Be that as it may, I agree these 2-Smokers are touchy and mechanical things do break. Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances. Unless you offered or implied a warranty, you owe him nothing. Be careful with your Good Samaritanism, once you start helping you commit yourself to continue; where's the limit. I submit that you reach that point when the check cashes and he rides away.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:49 am
by scooterwerx
true dat....CAVEAT EMPTOR!!! in the eyes of the law as soon as an agreement is reached and the transfer takes place, the liability rests solely upon the buyer!!!!

Exclamation Points!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:57 am
by Wheelman-111

Werx, you are over you Phorum Exclamation point allotment. Typing all those slash-dots cuts into precious manifold adaptor fabriction time. Kindly refrain from further abuse of the "!" key.

The Phorum Management :)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:15 pm
by evilone
Wheelman, did you check your pm's? I told the guy i'd get a new set of carbon fiber reeds. Do you have af05 sets pre-made or do i need to send the old petals?