oil question

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Post by Kenny_McCormic »

That is not taking good care of it, you would find your problem and fix it so it would work properly if you took good care of it and knew what the * you are doing. Im sorry I hate to see abuse.
I am not a mechanic, nor do I play one on TV. Actually my advice is probably worth slightly less than what you pay to view it.
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Post by Twilight »

I feel Kenny's pain. I couldnt figure out what you were saying :?

The only thing you should mix 2 stroke oil with is GAS, not other oils. If you did this, then you probably created more problems down the road.

The engine is a 2 stroke, there is no *set it very lean*, if you are then this engine is going to die and need a rebuild.

Follow the manual, keep it good, if anything mix it into the gas and keep no oil in the oil tank.

It WILL run on 2 stroke oil. Now get all that crap oil out and do this:

Get out any oil in the lines.
Replace with 2-stroke oil ONLY
Pour gas down the spark plug hole
Start it
If it dies, do it again

If you do that 5 times in a row and it still dies, then just add the d*** 2 stroke oil to the gas and be done with it.

Gear oil is NOT good for a 2 stroke.
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Post by nysnowborder »

thanks just wanted straight answer and advice will do
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Post by Arnadanoob »

Oh boy, let's see if I can clear some of this up. Keep in mind that I still do suggest that you see a professional but I'd like to know more if you'd just answer my questions.

1. Are you premixing or are you using the oil injector (thus oil tank)?

2. What exact brand of oil (brand name and type) did you find that didn't work? (i.e. You used Chevron 2 stroke motorcycle oil, etc.)

3. What exact brand of oil (brand name and type) are you referring to when you say "using straight 30"? (i.e. The straight 30 oil is a NAPA SAE 30 car oil, etc.)

4. When you say "you have it set lean" (key word there is "set") what are you doing to set it? Are you adjusting the oil pump (if you're using the stock injector) or are you using less oil period (if you're premixing) ?

I'm going to take the best guess I can but I believe your compression is very bad, in other words too low. By adding in a thicker, viscous oil you are trying to achieve a better piston ring to cylinder wall seal. IF this is the case, your solution to use straight car oil (SAE 30) may work, but isn't the correct solution.

First of all (read this carefully), injector oils are thinner, in fact they are the thinnest oils you'll find for moped use. Premix only oils are usually thicker because they don't get pumped through an injector, they get mixed in directly in the gas tank. If your compression was so bad that having to use such a thick oil would mean the difference between running or not, you have a mechanical issue you need to deal with. If you go back to my very first post, look at the first question I asked you. That's what you need to find out first before you do anything else.
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