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I have a question about the headlight cover on a 85 Spree

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:18 pm
by NeuroManson
Now I did everything by the books, since I'm installing a cheap stereo on the bike, but the two screws in front on the sides (next to the headlight bolts) turned out to be locking plastic screws (thanks Honda, great idea!). So I had to basically tear them out, marring the plastic :oops:

Does anyone know where I could obtain replacements or a suitable alternative? Right now the bottom of the headlight cover is held on by one bolt.

Re: I have a question about the headlight cover on a 85 Spre

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:16 pm
by birdman
You gotta get lucky. Ebay, craigslist, etc.. Alot of people part out sprees

Re: I have a question about the headlight cover on a 85 Spre

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:04 pm
by Johnniespeed
I have not found any locking screws on any Spree headlamp covers yet. The heads of the screws use a regular number two Phillips screwdriver. But the easiest way to obtain some, is to grab a couple from a parts bike, most every large town has someone who sells used scooter parts, or just buy up a couple junk Spree's, they are super cheap, easy to find and plenty still exist.