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Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 4:22 pm
by FunkeyMonkey
*circlip sorted, ordered G clip type. Updated information on page 2*

I got all my parts yesterday and getting everything ready to install. Ran the new throttle cable, removed the oil pump, cylinder, manifold etc. Now i'm stuck with 2 issues that are holding me up from putting new kit on. I can not figure out how to get this to seat properly. The oil plug slides in really smooth and then just stops, it almost feels like its stopping at the o ring that is on it. I made sure to remove the one that goes on the oil pump so that is not in the hole blocking it. Is there some special procedure that i havent read about on installing one of these plugs?

Other problem im running into is the piston clips that hold it in place. For the life of me I can not figure out how to get them into the piston. The old and new ones are almost a full circle and all the pictures ive seen online show something like a horseshoe with one side bent into the middle. Are mine supposed to be bent like that also? Have a malossi 72cc cylinder kit.

I picked up what i now realize is a crappy pair of needle nose pliers from auto zone which ill be returning and getting something stronger so this issue might just be tool related but while im here posting about oil plug figured id double check if my clips should have the bend in them or not.

Thanks, you guys are almost done having to put up with my newbness

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 7:00 pm
by Rip_City_Spree
Just make sure they(clips) are seated in position. You will regret it later if they are not. I lost one 500miles into my first bbk install and its something simple but it can can do major damage. Not sure how mine came out but one did and poof bye bye bbk. Make sure you cover the hole by the crank so nothing falls in and gets lost. Take your time patience is a good thing.

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 7:07 pm
by FunkeyMonkey
Got one bigger pliers and still having a * of a time, I either just dont comprehend how to get these clips seated in their stock form or something is off on them. The only way i could get them to actually seat fully in the piston is by bending it just a hair to form an inside lip, otherwise they would spring out or by the picture id slip and jab my thumb with my needle nose. Does this look like it will hold ok or should i scrap these and get new ones?

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:02 pm
by Peteyparado
The picture with the piston the c clip is that all the way in? They look bent ?if so get new ones..when u put them in u put the taller end of the clip first,were the notch is in the piston.

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:12 pm
by FunkeyMonkey
Its completely in the little track on the piston.. I bent it a little cause it was the only way I could get it to fit inside the piston. Is it any different from these that come this way standard?


Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:15 pm
by 'O'VerSe
They look like there made to fail less by being shaped like that compared to the standard G shaped pins. I wouldn't risk going forth with the one you've installed. I'd pick up another set. Not worth the headache of a wrist pin clip failure down the line. You still have one good pin correct? Practice with that one till you receive your next set.

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:38 pm
by FunkeyMonkey
Ive spent the last hour or so trying to get the pin inserted with multiple stab wounds and bleeds from my needle nose pliers. Heres the clip laid out over the track it goes in, Ive tried inserting it with the open space away from the groove on piston, facing the groove. I just cant get it seated for the life of me. My old piston i can get the clips in but i cant with this new piston and new clips.

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:53 pm
by FunkeyMonkey
Does anyone know if the malossi clips are 12mm? Found these G Clip as a backup while i find out if G9 has some in stock.

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:52 pm
by Peteyparado

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:07 am
by 'O'VerSe
Depends what your wrist pin size is. I'm guessing 10mm for a 70cc. Whatever your bbk was labeled. I know you've probably tried already but grab your pin about a 1/4" down from one end with the needle nose and dig the opposite end in at a angle into the groove. It's tricky because you need to bind the clip as your installing it. That much flex in the clip should be alright. It should just spring back. Sometimes it just wants to rotate on you. Sometimes the notch in the piston helps with the needles nose sometimes it doesn't even matter.

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:23 am
by Wheelman-111

Very helpful, hssffc! Three bucks?! Pfft!! Order extras as replacements.
I can't imagine why anyone would take the severe risk of installing iffy, over-bent wrist pin clips when Polini replacements are so affordable, unless you're in an all-fired hurry to assemble and ride, already.

For those "Horseshoe"-shaped Polini items, it's a good practice to make sure that the prongs point straight up-and-down, in line with the cylinder. If they point sideways, there's a small but meaningful risk that the sudden deceleration of the piston at the top and bottom of the stroke (Remember, 100 times every second at 6000 RPM!) will tend to bend the clip loose in its groove.

A quality pair of needle-nosed pliers, preserved in oil-soaked cheesecloth for this purpose alone, is another Very Good Idea. Get a grip, DO NOT squeeze beyond the spring's deformation threshold, and make double-sure they're seated all the way around by grabbing the "inside" clip leg and spinning the clip a half-turn before dropping the cylinder over the slug.

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:58 am
by FunkeyMonkey
Thanks, was really hoping to finally get to ride this weekend but whats 2 or 3 more days for mail when its already been a month lol. I feel confident i wont have issues with those G clips, im not sure if its the piston, clips, both or im just having a senior moment but still never could get even 1 of the malossi C clips installed. Old piston and clips go in and out without issue. Either way thanks for confirming 12mm size, hate to wait another 3 days and find i have wrong parts.


Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:09 pm
by benji
FunkeyMonkey wrote:I got all my parts yesterday and getting everything ready to install. Ran the new throttle cable, removed the oil pump, cylinder, manifold etc. Now i'm stuck with 2 issues that are holding me up from putting new kit on. I can not figure out how to get this to seat properly. The oil plug slides in really smooth and then just stops, it almost feels like its stopping at the o ring that is on it. I made sure to remove the one that goes on the oil pump so that is not in the hole blocking it. Is there some special procedure that i havent read about on installing one of these plugs?

Other problem im running into is the piston clips that hold it in place. For the life of me I can not figure out how to get them into the piston. The old and new ones are almost a full circle and all the pictures ive seen online show something like a horseshoe with one side bent into the middle. Are mine supposed to be bent like that also? Have a malossi 72cc cylinder kit.

I picked up what i now realize is a crappy pair of needle nose pliers from auto zone which ill be returning and getting something stronger so this issue might just be tool related but while im here posting about oil plug figured id double check if my clips should have the bend in them or not.

Thanks, you guys are almost done having to put up with my newbness
Ran into this problem myself.

The rubber o-ring that comes w the pump plug is not needed. Take the o-ring off the pump and slide it on the pump plug. Oil helps it seal, so does hondabond I've heard. Use a large fender washer and a 6mm bolt and nut in the oem pump mount to hold it down. Hope this helps if you haven't already figured it out.

Btw I ran it like you did for monthes w no problems, as long as it seals I think your good but it should fit a little more surface-flushed than that.

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:33 pm
by Wheelman-111

Quoth Benji:
The rubber o-ring that comes w the pump plug is not needed.
With respect, I couldn't disagree more. The old pump ring is a possibility, but it needs to be tight enough to hold pressure. If it's worn out, it won't. A shockingly small amount of air leaking in from the plug socket will frustrate your best tuning efforts. HondaBond is a tempting substitute, but air pressure will eventually dissect a path between the plug and the block because unlike the case halves, there is a gap there even if it's only a few microns wide. Once it starts leaking, it's a nightmare to find jetting that works at all engine speeds.

Make sure the new plug alone - no ring - slides all the way in by itself. Then Lube the ring and whack it in there if at all possible.

Re: Problem installing BBK

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:47 pm
by benji
W the o ring that came w it I couldn't get it to fit flushed than what he has in that pic, I had to use the smaller o ring from the oem pump on it and it seems to seal and fit just like the factory pump did. I did not mean to say that NO o ring was needed, just that the one that comes w it doesn't seem to allow it to fit low enough in the hole.