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What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:04 pm
by swimmingfree
I feel at times things are getting out of hand. We may have to look at things with a different eye. There is a lot of belittling people and name calling (me as well). Is this why this forum was started? I hope not. I've seen people come on here to ask a question and when they get an answer and don't understand because of lack of knowledge. They get called all kinds of degrading names...these people don't deserve this!! If we don't do something about this, it will get worse. I know that we all have good in us but sometimes we have to have an arm cut off to save the body. I do know that not all will agree with me but maybe we should have a penalty box on this site so these people have the opportunity to cool down - those who were attacked would know that something is being done.
What is going to happen when someone puts it out here that their a person of color or a women ?
Should we allow them to be attacked?
I hope not.
i had a frind redo it so you cood read it

Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:19 pm
by Trafficjamz
A threat has to be an actual physical one.

"I am gonna kick your * next time I am in muskegon"

"you better watch your back if you ever come to Washington."

"I'm gonna burn your house down while raping your wife"

Thes rest are just Opinions

"In my opinion, your scooter is a Piece of $hit"

"I think you are a lazy ignorant * who should give up on scooters"

But you have to be careful not to include racial slurs or sexist comments

"Mexicans are too lazy to work on scooters"

"Those * will probably steal your scooter"

"You look like a * on that scooter"

Noiseguy has very little tolerance for comments like that.

Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:47 pm
by motormike

Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:50 pm
by swimmingfree
so Opinions like

This ain't rocket science

Yeah and stupid lazy dumb asses seem unable to open a manual and READ. The info is there and by just handing the info to them you enable them to continue to be stupid lazy dumb asses, making you part of the problem and not helpful at all. The education system has failed and has produced a generation of worthless lazy cry babies.

Your claim of dyslexia is mostly bull.

shut the F**k up

I will stuff it down your throat.

So freedom of speech doesn't exist where you live, but this board is based in the USA and we have a Constitution that shuts your types down

If being an * is grounds for banning the you just qualified

At least I am smart enough to figure out the CC's of an engine, which of course you are not. So who is an asset? You or me. Don't put it to a vote with the loser gone, you will lose.

God, still whining! ( this one tell it all no one can punch god !! )

so this is the way we shood deal with popple all popple ??
well that not how i want to be treated you ??
when popple look at this form do you think thay think we no a thing no thay read this and think were * ?
maby popple that think there god need ????

Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:02 pm
by zuphilius
Again, click on members name. Click "Add Foe". No more posts visible from said member. Voila. End of endless posts about people you don't want to bicker with. Turn page, get on with life. Please. I mean really, please do.

Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:33 pm
by wiguy05
zuphilius wrote:Again, click on members name. Click "Add Foe". No more posts visible from said member. Voila. End of endless posts about people you don't want to bicker with. Turn page, get on with life. Please. I mean really, please do.
But you also need to keep in mind ignorant remarks like the ones certain members continue to use look very poorly on our "community" ie: this forum. If some things are allowed to continue, good members will go elsewhere (yes, some have already) and it will also deter new members from joining up to seek knowledge.

Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:40 pm
by KingJeff801
wiguy05 wrote:
zuphilius wrote:Again, click on members name. Click "Add Foe". No more posts visible from said member. Voila. End of endless posts about people you don't want to bicker with. Turn page, get on with life. Please. I mean really, please do.
But you also need to keep in mind ignorant remarks like the ones certain members continue to use look very poorly on our "community" ie: this forum. If some things are allowed to continue, good members will go elsewhere (yes, some have already) and it will also deter new members from joining up to seek knowledge.


Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:45 pm
by zuphilius
Very true. But, enough of "let ban so-and-so" or "so-and-so called me a name". That's what PM to Mods and Noise are for. Stop clogging up the traffic here.

I know it can be like slogging through mud to read some of these posts, but politically correctness is getting out of hand. If one word is misconstrued/offensive/not liked, then it's all, "Run to HR 'cause I don't like the way that was worded/I'm offended". Maybe I'm old school having worked in factories my whole life back in the day where this "PC" crap didn't exist, but please, let it go.

Oops, was that a threat? Ban me, please.

Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:20 pm
by swimmingfree
it not that at all its when you cant and wont give repect to popple is what this is about .. when here you shood have a good time... lots of them but when you get attack .. is that right ..if half of what is said here was done in your face it mite not be good ..some popple on here dont think twice calling a person what ever just to * them off ..and i will bet thay wood not walk up to some thay bearly no and say thing like that .. thay hide behind the keyboard (or mother apron ) and think there god .. because nothing has ben done ..

if you kid dose some thing wrong and you tell the kid to stop or i will beat the kids * .. and the kid keep doing it and you say the same thing . again and again and we all have heard this in the store it make me want to slap mom and dad for not going throu with it ..if thay wood have smack that kid * once they wood not have to tell the kid twice.

Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:25 pm
by Bear45-70
Still whining I see, Why not go sit with your favorite president old obozo.

Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:35 pm
by swimmingfree
is it rong for a person not to post .. we all have the right to do so as well as not to post.. why shood we put popple down as foe when thay cood just stop jumping in a post and body slamming popple just for there fun . there is three different type of input good , bad and way overboard its the last that need to be slow down way down

Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:38 pm
by Bear45-70
Here, fill this out, it will make you feel better. :eyeroll:


Re: What is a threat

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:15 pm
by mousewheels
Question: What is a threat - answered by 'jamz.

Gents - why are we here? Scooters and technical talk.