Excruciating pain

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Re: Excruciating pain

Post by MrJumps »

noiseguy wrote:What did the dentist say about your tooth?
Well the dentist that orginally did the filling on the tooth should of told me it was a deep filing and had a chance of rotting back then 2 months ago. Well they didnt tell me and filled it using that new hardneing paste instead of mercury which i could care less what they use. But anyway they tried saying I need a rootcanal and then a cap(crown) on number 19 3rd to last premolar on my bottom left tooth. I said okay and after insurance the price was gonna be 600 bucks so I told them I would just try the antibacterial meds and see if the pain goes away. 2 days pain was med to none then on the 3rd day morning at like 2am I woke up screamjng and in so much pain ita not funny. No amount of meds could help and I couldnt turn any which way to do anything. I didnt eat or drink all day yesterday and dismorning we calledanother local denstist, we went in and the lady only does fillings, she sends anywone who needs any mouth qork to a specialist. But when we were there they told me I have a huge chance of it rerotting under a crown and that it is 50/50 xhance at pulling it. So a hour later they schulded me to goto surgery. Which the place is a hour and a half away so after a tubro diaster on the highway we were there 10 minutes late, mom cut 20 minutes off with her driving. At this poitn the only thing that helsp is constant flow of freezing water. They get me in the op rooma dn im like I meed my water, f*** off I need my water. They put me on nos and I start laughing at everyone and I rember telling the nursing assistant she is pretty a few times. The the next thing i rember is getting into moms car calling mom a b**** because she qouldnt let me eat. We get to mc donalds and she got me a tea to sip on and gave me 2 frys before she ate them all. So yeah the tooth was out but I was too busy calling everyone names and hitting on a nurse... so I dont know km better im gonna leave the tooth a gap it cost to much to get an implant and the way i grind my teeth im just gonna break the d*** implant right off. Dentist are crooks, sorry if thats your job but I will never trust a dentist again.
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Re: Excruciating pain

Post by noiseguy »

The thing I'd be concerned about with an implant at your age is it tends to grind down the opposite tooth, as they're made of a very hard substance.

Didn't catch what tooth; assume it's a molar. Suggest that you talk with dental specialist about using braces to move existing teeth into place, esp. if you still have your wisdom teeth. They will do this naturally if you don't want to spend the money.

And be nicer to your mom. No reason for that, nitrous or otherwise.
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Re: Excruciating pain

Post by MrJumps »

noiseguy wrote:The thing I'd be concerned about with an implant at your age is it tends to grind down the opposite tooth, as they're made of a very hard substance.

Didn't catch what tooth; assume it's a molar. Suggest that you talk with dental specialist about using braces to move existing teeth into place, esp. if you still have your wisdom teeth. They will do this naturally if you don't want to spend the money.

And be nicer to your mom. No reason for that, nitrous or otherwise.

Tooth number 19 is 3rd last molar and mom and I shoot s*** comstantly please when she had been poking fun at me for being a cripple. Lol all fun and games no one is serious. Im probably gonna leave the gap there my teeth are soft and brittle and if I put a implant or bridge im just gonna break my other teeth or it while sleeping. But thank you for your wprey guys. Ive been through * and back real fast.
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Re: Excruciating pain

Post by noiseguy »

Yeah... under no circumstances should you put in a bridge. It just destroys the surrounding teeth and as the bone in jaw disintegrates where tooth was removed, you'll just have to have surrounding teeth removed and get a larger bridge. Bad path for someone in 20's.

Suggest implant (which restores the bone in jaw) or using braces to move teeth closer together.

Also, dentist isn't the one that will do this work. Those guys are best at cleanings and drill-and-fill. You want a periodontist to look at your current situation. Those guys are the teeth artists.
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Re: Excruciating pain

Post by eclark5483 »

Never get a root canal either. Complete waste of money. All you end up doing is prolonging the life of a tooth that will eventually need pulled anyway. If your dentist recommends one, tell them to screw off and just pull the dang thing.
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Re: Excruciating pain

Post by MrJumps »

Im just gonna leave a gap, cost too much and its a molar I coukd care kess what it does as long as it dosnt make my front teeth move
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Re: Excruciating pain

Post by Meatball »

I had a molar pulled about 18yrs ago due to lack of funds (times were tough in my 20's) and never looked back. Honestly, it doesn't bother me a bit. I tend to take better care of my teeth now than I did back then.
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Re: Excruciating pain

Post by eclark5483 »

Only thing that stinks about getting teeth pulled is the risk of Diastema. I had 2 upper teeth pulled years ago. One on the left side, one on the right. Took about 7 or 8 years, but now the top middle of my mouth has Diastema. It's not too bad, I've seen alot worse, but * with spending the money to get a realignment at my age. Diabetes has taken a toll on my gums as it is and I'm already looking at dentures. I think I can live with a slight case of Diastema until then.
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Re: Excruciating pain

Post by benji »

I lost a molar in my lower jaw cuz it chipped and had a deep cavity within a couple monthes after. It hurts to chew on that side of my mouth cuz of the big space there. I try to take care of my teeth but they seem soft and cavity-prone. 8 have a theory blaming it on fluoride mouth rinses our school district forced on us at a young age, I've heard it causes "dental flourosis"(pitting of the enamel). I hope I can keep em good, I've been thru some bad tooth pain myself.

Elephants die when there teeth fall out and they can't eat any longer.

Re: Excruciating pain

Post by Ultraliner »

I had my top right 2nd to rear molar pulled out nearly 3 years ago after it split pretty much perfectly in half and the back part fell out on new years eve. Had no pain, sensitivity or anything previously, just eating some snacks then bang and next minute you are spitting out half your tooth.

I left it alone for around 4 months and still had no pain the whole time, apparently due to the way it broke the dentist couldn't promise he could effect a decent repair so it had to come out.

It's so far back in my mouth it isnt noticed by anyone during normal activity and it honestly dosen't cause me bother. Hurt/ached for about 3 months after it came out but fine now. Can still eat everything I did before.

I have always been pretty pedantic when it comes to my teeth, clean them every day and floss often, dont eat lollies or drink lots of fizzy drink but I guess s*** happens...

Give it a good few weeks and i'm sure you'll be fine ;)
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Re: Excruciating pain

Post by noiseguy »

eclark5483 wrote:Only thing that stinks about getting teeth pulled is the risk of Diastema.
That is, a gap in front teeth.
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